Introduction of VNUHCM Journal system

The Science and Technology Development Journal (STDJ) of Vietnam National University-Ho Chi Minh City (VNUHCM) was established in 1997, publishing the first issue in January 1998. Since 2006, the Journal has registered its national code ISSN 1859-0128. Since then, the Journal has become the most important scientific forum for scientists, lecturers, and graduate students of VNUHCM and a reliable science and technology forum for many researchers and lecturers from other universities in Vietnam. Over 20 years of development, the Journal has become a bridge for scientific exchanges and an enriching reference material for lecturers, doctoral students, and students of VNUHCM in particular and other higher education institutions in the Southern part of Vietnam in general.

However, the current printed publication could only reach a limited number of readers, especially foreign readers. Therefore, it is necessary for the Journal to publish electronically to achieve the international level and meet the strict standards of international databases such as Scopus or Web of Science.

The publication of the STDJ of VNUHCM as an electronic journal has achieved the goal of widespread dissemination of research results published in the Journal to domestic readers so that scientists can easily submit papers and monitor the publication process online and has reached international standards to high results in the accreditation of journals according to the criteria of international databases. (Scopus, Web of Science)

Outstanding advantages when issuing electronically include:

Wide coverage, fast spread.

Easy access from all regions, both domestically and internationally, at any time in an economical way.

High interactivity. Quickly and timely interact with readers.

Allows readers to research and participate in consultation and criticism quickly, conveniently, and economically.

Consistent with the modernization trend in journalism activities.

1. Organizational structure of the Journal

The Journal is structured with 01 main pages in English presenting scientific works in multi-disciplinary and multi-field areas and 06 specialized sub-journals presenting summaries in English and full text in Vietnamese for 06 specialties, including:

Natural Sciences

Engineering and Technology

Social Sciences and Humanities

Science of the Earth and Environment

Economics-Law and Management

Health Sciences

2. Domain name of the Journal

Articles and specialized journals are updated on the STDJ – VNU-HCM website.

e Journal

Articles and specialized journals are updated on the STDJ – VNU-HCM website.


Each specialized Journal includes 1 English website. The specialized journals have subdomains set according to the following structure:, (### stands for the specialized journals name), specifically:

Natural Sciences: 

Engineering and Technology: 

Social Sciences and Humanities: 

Science of the Earth & Environment: 

Economics-Law and Management: 

Health Sciences: 


3. General regulations on the publishing process

The member journal is responsible for receiving articles within the scope of the specialized topic until the articles are accepted for publishing by the editor-in-chief of the member journal.

The STDJ is responsible for publication after the article is accepted by the Editor in Chief of the member journal.

The entire process of receiving articles, organizing reviews, and accepting posts is carried out on the online system provided by the STDJ to each member journal.

4. Publishing process

4.1. Editing process of the member journals: Receiving articles, organizing reviews, and accepting posts.

  1. Authors submit articles on the member journals’ website system.
  2. The Editor in Chief of the member journal first proofreads the article, then assigns the task to the Section Editor (SE), who has the same expertise on the article’s topic, to carry out censoring work and organize reviews for the article.

Unqualified articles are returned to the author for editing.

Qualified articles are forwarded to the next step.

  1. Plagiarism Check: All articles written in foreign languages are tested using dedicated software.

The article that fails the plagiarism check (the similarity rate is higher than 25%) is returned to the author for editing.

The article that passes the plagiarism check (the similarity rate is lower than 25%) is forwarded to the next step.

  1. Organizing article reviews: Section Editor appoints review experts for the article. The article is privately reviewed with at least 2 review experts. Multiple rounds of review can be organized.

If the article does not meet the quality standards, the member journal sends comments and results of criticism to the author for editing.

The article that meets the quality standards and does not need editing from at least 02 reviewers is forwarded to the next step.

  1. Foreign language proofreading: All articles in foreign languages are proofread by the member journals.
  2. The Editor in Chief of the member journal reviews the article final before sending it to the Journal (Publishing Unit) for publishing.

4.2. Quality control: The quality control process is conducted by the Journal (Publishing Unit).

The Journal receives the article that has been accepted from the member journal and assigns personnel to perform quality control (QC) of the article according to the form.

The unqualified article on QC is returned to the author for editing.

The article that meets the QC standard is forwarded to the next step.

4.3. Publishing: The publishing process is conducted by the Journal.

  1. The article has been edited in terms of style, syntax, and form.
  2. The article is formatted according to the Journal’s template. The Journal’s editor checks the formatted prepress proof.
  3. The prepress proof is sent to the author for re-review.

Not accept the prepress proof: The author submits a request for modification (expression, form) to the Journal.

Accept the prepress proof: The author confirms consent to the Journal. The Journal proceeds to the next steps.

  1. After the Editor in Chief of the Journal approves the article’s publication, the article is published online and indexed in international databases.
  2. All articles in some publications are synthesized and checked before printing.

Science and Technology Development Journal, VNUHCM

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